Alma Solar guarantee
1. As a private client, how can I benefit Alma Solar guarantee?

As a private client, it's essential to have your installation validated by an Alma  Solar installer in order to benefit from this guarantee.

There are 3 types of insurance available to you: basic, standard and complete.

Important : In case of an incident, an Alma Solar installer must validate the installation. Without this validation, the guarantee will not be taken into account.

When placing your order for the equipment, please add Alma Solar installer to your basket.

2. As a Professional, how do I benefit from the Alma Solar guarantees?

As a professional, you will automatically benefit a guarantee for free on all your Alma Solar purchases.

3. What is the procedure in case of damage?

Inform Alma Solar by e-mail within 5 days after the disaster in the case of theft, attempted theft, extortion or malicious act by a third party; lodge a complaint immediately with the police authorities.

As soon as possible you must let Alma Solar know the details on the cause, amount and circumstances of the disaster.

Retain the damaged parts in place for the purpose of any inquiry. Do not change or move the damaged objects as this could complicate the inquiry or make it impossible. You must fournish Alma Solar with all indications and documents for estimating the damage total and to justify "work expenses" and "expenses for material and replacement parts" with invoices and any other documents.

You should also provide Alma Solar with any technical assistance necessary to carry out actionable appeals against responsible third parties.

4. If I move, alter or shift my installation, is my guarantee still valid?

It is obligatory to state the reasons for moving the installation.  It is essential to state the new address of your installation as well as the changes made.

The installation must then be checked by an Alma Solar installer.

Dismantling operations; reassembly and movement, maintainance, inspection, reviews or repairs are included in the guarantee.

5. What are your obligations to benefit the all risks guarantee Alma Solar?

You must take all necessary precautions to maintain your photovoltaic installation in good working order and comply with current legal and administrative instructions.

You must use the insured objects only within the applicable technical and operationable limits provided by the maker.

Lack of maintainance does not automatically mean the installation is not covered unless the lack of maintainance is a cause or aggravation of the disaster.

Damage due to lack of maintainance as well as damage aggravated by a lack of maintainance will not be covered.

It is essential to note the series number of the whole of your photovoltaic material.

6. How to estimate the damage total ?

2 experts will estimate the value of your installation. They will also have to provide their opinion on the causes of the disaster.

Handling fees and consultancy fees are payable by you.

Compensation value is determined by subtracting the value of the debris and parts likely to br re-used from the actual value of the installation. An excess of €250 is applicable to the entire installation. Work and restoration fees can be substracted from this total.

If you are the victim of a disaster in the first 12 months the value of your installation is considered as new.

After 12 months, a value of obsolescence of 20% per year up to a maximum of 50% applies.

7. How to benefit the all risks insurance Alma Solar?

Your complete order must be made with the Alma Solar company. We will then give you the best combination insurance for solar panels, inverters, bindings and/or storage batteries.

The insurance is applicable if there is a dedicated solar cell binding system.

8. What is the Alma Solar all risks insurance?

The Alma Solar all risks insurance is a total guarantee of all parts of a photovoltaic / solar cell kit.

The insurance includes : damage due to meteorological phenomena ( storms; hail; lightening); damage caused by exceptional phenomena ( fire, water damage ), technical risks ( power surges, explosions) and damage caused by vandalism ( theft and attempted thefts)

Duration of Guarantee : 5 years

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