Customer service
1. What is the manufacturer's guarantee for my product?

All the guarantees of our products are displayed on the product page, in the footer, the "guarantee" tab. The warranty conditions are available in the "Downloads" tab in PDF form.
You must keep your purchase invoice that serves as proof of purchase.

2. What is the duration of my guarantee?

The guarantee period of our products are displayed on the product page, the "guarantee" and the "Technical" tab. It may be that the warranty periods are available in the "Downloads" tab with PDF form.
You must keep your purchase invoice that serves as proof of purchase.

3. Can I return after receiving my order?

According to legislation, you have 14 days to exercise your right of withdrawal. The period runs from when you have received the order.  This right is valid only for private customers.

The return costs are your responsibility.

The return request will be considered only for unopened and sealed products. We request you to inform us by email or by phone your wishes to return your order. If you don't inform us, we aren't able to determine which return is.

It is guaranteed Satisfaction or money back from Alma Solar.

4. I've received a faulty product. What to do?

You have two choices. Ìn both cases, please provide the following information:

What is the default? What is the error message? Send us product's serial number and product photos.

1 / Contact us by email or phone by clicking here: contact us

Our commercial team are able to assess default and give you a solution in the shortest possible time. If we are unable to solve your problem, we will implement the warranty. We will then act as intermediary with the manufacturer to ensure that warranty is respected.

2 / Contact the manufacturer directly to start the warranty process.

Simply go on the item's page and click the "warranty" tab. There, you'll find all contact details. Please note that 90% of faults are related to a connection problem.

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